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Manitoba Run Recap

What an adventure I was able to share with my dear wife over eight days in August. Without a doubt, running across Manitoba was the toughest challenge both physically and mentally I’ve ever put my body through. We left Rosenort on August 1st with the intentions of making it from Portage La Prairie to the Ontario border in eight days. Though we achieved that goal, what happened over the course of those 155 miles was not exactly the way we would have drawn it up. The first two days of the run, we elected to complete a marathon each day. This served two purposes; it allowed us to quickly get through the most boring stretch of landscape, it also gave us the opportunity to make our Rosenort pit stop one day early. Running the Perimeter Highway is not something I need to do again, but it certainly provided plenty of highlights. I won’t soon forget all the friends and family who joined the party bus, offered to chauffeur Fleetwood, brought baking, made a trip to Winnipeg just to see us, f...

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