Be Still

Wife perspective; wow did I get smacked in the face this morning, not literally, but in a way that moved my soul and tears are falling. As I sit in the quiet this morning reading my devotional passage for today I was again reminded it’s the journey towards the goal, not the goal all in itself. The reading was again confirmation to take a morning off from running.

Last night had some stress, not running related that I was/am dealing with, so I called some dear friends as much needed support at 11pm! Yup that’s how wonderful they are, as the lateness of the night did not matter to them. Oh and my issue; not life & death, nor a big deal in the grand scheme of life but it’s causing me a burden of sadness that I want to get fixed; and it can be. I just need to get someone who knows what they are doing to get it resolved, some money will just need to be spent which makes me mad it occurred in the first place. But LIFE happens.

So here is what I read this morning. This timing is not fluke, or coincidence. Ordained.

Oh and if your not aware. I’m adopted. So reading these words this morning has an even bigger punch. I’ve NEVER felt less than and I am so grateful.


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