New Face

The wife Perspective; It’s Sunday, no more Sundays before the big run starts!  Now my mind starts whirling with all the things that need to get done this week; appointments, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, meal planning, yard maitenance (let’s be honest Shannon will deal with that) , last minute purchases...oh ya and working my actual job.
Well today’s last long run on the HWY 205 had a special experience; a chance meeting at the 330 corner with none other than Derek Eidse. He was biking to his parents for lunch from his house in Winnipeg (no biggie, ya right) and we were tackling 10 miles; so he changed course and biked along with us for a few miles going east. So nice to see a new face while out on the pavement, certainly helped pass the miles catching up with an old schoolmate. 


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