Unfinished Business

It has been a full year since we chased my dream along the Trans Canada Highway. The Manitoba Run ended in Portage La Prairie after 147 miles of pounding the pavement. But before returning home later that day, I was already certain that in the summer of 2020, we would try to finish our cross-Manitoba run.

After months of two-a-days, ice baths, early morning running club, swatting flies while running at the lake, running on everything from the track to the open highway, to the bays of Rosenort, the streets of Palm Springs, the private gravel roads at Caddy Lake (video below) and the grass at the Steinbach soccer park, we are now only a few sleeps away from heading back to Portage. And, just like last year, I am super excited to be doing this while Tracy cycles beside me. This is OUR adventure. Expected start date is Saturday, August 1st.

Side note: the goal is to try and replicate the last five days of our 2019 run; fewer miles each day while enjoying central and eastern Manitoba. And, oh yeah, this year I’ll be accompanied by a little knee brace on the right knee, courtesy of a September injury.


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