Safe Distance

The wife Perspective; maybe my lack of sleep and food consumption is showing itself through anger. I want to carry a bag of rocks and throw them at all the vehicles that pass and DO NOT give any room. Oh, I’m not delusion enough yet to be mad at everyone, I totally get it, it’s the T-Can and it’s super busy BUT when you are the only vehicle around and you don’t move over, WHAT!!
Even Lorne Siemens delivering some farm machinery for Rosenort Motors in western Manitoba (wide load) did everything he could to give us plenty of room; I don’t think he knew it was us or else there would have been some big waves and honking. 

I need to chat with my accountant; I have seen a fair amount of gravel trailers, more Midland now as of late. Could this adventure be written off as a work trip???

Small western Manitoba towns are impressing me; well MacGregor you are etching a place in my thankful book, splash pad, yes please!! While the Mr rests, I shall enjoy this hot summer day (couldn’t do this at home, as there is no such a water thing in our town; just saying).


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