Battling On

 The wife Perspective; We just hunkered down for the afternoon at C.F.B. Shilo; let Shannon rest and avoid the mid-day heat. No alarm set, no wake up call, no pressure...we we’re up around 7:30am and I got told running was going to happen, so time to pack up Fleetwood after a decent breakfast of cereal, toast and yogurt (it’s like a Denny’s on wheels).. 
Shannon ran approx 11 miles to get us to Douglas MB; but before we reached the stopping point for the morning we got to see more family!! Seriously how fun that we are going east and they are going west and tadda, 10 km’s west of Brandon we meet on the side of the T-can for a quick hello. 
No idea if anymore miles will occur on this adventure via foot but we are optimistic and enjoying the journey; thus, why we are now visiting Shilo. Why not. It’s not that far off the T-Can and we’ve got hot hours to waste away doing something. I saw a sign about a pool, obviously I’m going to check in to that ASAP. 

Safety first when driving Fleetwood. Nah, just jokes. I’m all geared up so when I stop, I can as quickly as possible unload my bike and get going via peddling to meet up with Shannon. 

*Warning* The next photo is graphic in nature (ha); it was requested (by our pastor) to post graphic photos/video of blood, blisters... well there hasn’t been any to document so I thought I’d do my best and documented what we see on the shoulder of the T-Can. 


  1. Keep going, you can do it!! Its 105 here, not running weather. Enjoy reading your posts and hearing of your progress.

  2. Hey guys! Looks like fun. Drive safe and take car .

  3. Ha! Love the blood and guts . . . I'm assuming Shannon ran over him? Must be doing quite a pace!


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